Format 9: Fax numbers in the subject box for fax messages
Format 9: Fax numbers in the subject box for fax messages
If you want to send a message to a fax machine you have to type the recipient's identification in the e-mail's subject box.
Write down the fax number in the e-mail's subject box.
You can add a title after the number. Please put a space between the number and title.
Write the message in the text box.
If you wish you can send the fax message with an attachment.
Send the e-mail to

The fax number must contain numbers only, e.g.: 0041447873071 . Spaces and special characters are not allowed in this number.
After the fax number there must be a space, the rest of the line gets used as a subject.
You can also insert a list. The numbers must be separated by a semicolon ';' such as: 0041447873071;0041447873072.
As a sender's adress the e-mail must include an adress that you have registered in the list of allowed sender adresses in the personal settings.
In the menu option 'Settings: Access via e-mail' the check box 'I allow messages to be sent via my eCall account by e-mail' must be activated.
You have to write the telephone number in the international format. Example for Switzerland: 0041 or +41
The capitalization of the recipient's identification doesn't matter.
If there are more recipients: <faxnumber1>;<faxnumber2>; ...).
The message being sent to the fax machine is composed of the e-mail's subject box (without fax numbers), the text box and the optional attachment.
Updated on: 21/07/2023
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