Access via WebService Use our WebService interface for your application to get an easy connection to our system. For more information about the interface read this file: Description-eCallWebserviceAccess v1.73 PDF Sample code for developers: Dowload right here below > Example DotNet ZIP 328 KB (https://ecall-messaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ecallwebserviceexamPopularInterfaces, Connections & Protocols
HTTP/HTTPS REST SMPP WebService E-mail Web browser Access via SMS Microsoft Exchange Outlook Mobile ServiceSome readersE-Mail
Access via e-mail Messages can be transmitted via e-mail to a mobile phone (SMS/push), to a pager, to a fax (incl. attachement) or to a telephone (voice message) from your regular mail program (MS Outlook, Gmail, GMX etc.).Few readersHTTP/HTTPS
Access via HTTP/HTTPS eCall's HTTP/HTTPS access allows you to send messages directly to the internet from any software. You can easily send messages by calling up URLs. This is particularly suitable for web programmers (from PHP, ASP...) In functional terms this is equivalent to calling up a website. Description eCall HTTP/HTTPS access v2.19 PDFFew readersSMPP
SMPP access This service allows accessing the short message peer to peer (SMPP) interface to send SMS. The SMPP interface uses a standard protocol. SMPP is a protocol primarily used to connect to short message service centres (SMSC) for mobile phones. Download "Description de l'accès SMPP" PDF v 1.21 Download "SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4" PDF (https://ecall-messaging.com/wFew readersREST
REST SMS Interface Use eCall's REST API to send SMS messages. On our website you will find additional information Here you can view and download the current description as a PDF: Description-eCallREST1.12 PDFFew readersFormat 1: Recipient in the subject box
Format 1: Recipient in the subject box You can send a message to a single recipient by writing the recipient's number in the e-mail's subject box. Procedure: Write down the recipient's number in the subject box. Send the e-mail to message@ecall.ch. Important As an sender's adress the e-mail must include an adress that you have registered in the list of allowed sender adresses in the peSome readersAvailable Formats
Available Formats Reciever in To/CC field Learn more > Reciever in "Subject:" field Learn more > List of recipients Learn more > Push-receiver in 'To:'-box Learn more > Forwarding Learn more > Numbers in 'To:'-box for fax mesFew readersAcess via SMS
Access via text message: General information Even without internet access you always have access to your eCall contact addresses. As an example you send a text message to a group or initiate a fax message. All stored contacts in your eCall account are accessible in this way. You can also execute any message by using a direct number. Important: To access your eCall addresses, you must define your valid mobile number under 'Account settings' -'Personal data' -'Mobile'. You must alFew readersAdditional commands
By entering certain keywords in an e-mail, (commands), further actions can be intitiated. Please note: A command must be within the message text. Its position within the message is irrelevant (before, after, within). Enter commands between percentage signs, i.e. the format is % %. Either upper or lower case characters can be used, i.e. the command %Callback% can be entered either as %CALLBACK% or %Callback%. Commands can be used in all e-mail formats. eCall removes the command fromPopularFormat 2: List of recipients in the text box
Format 2: List of recipients in the text box If you want to send a message to a longer list of recipients then you can type the list in the text box of the e-mail to eCall. Procedure: Write down the message and the list of recipients in the e-mail's text box. Send the e-mail to msglist@eCall.ch. Example Important Send only regular text emails, no richtext and HTML emails or attachmentsSome readersFormat 5: Forwarding via e-mail - Reception number in the To:-box or in the Cc:-box
Format 5: Forwarding via e-mail - Reception number in the To:-box or in the Cc:-box You can have a message forwarded to a pager or a mobile phone by typing the recipient's identification in the e-mail's "To:-box" or "Cc:-box". In this format eCall checks the destination address. This way this format gets used as soon as the sender is unknown. Procedure Write down the recipient's identification in this format @forward.ecall.ch in the To:-box and/or in the CcSome readersFormat 4: Numbers in 'To:'-box for text message / pager
Format 4: Number(s) / Name(s) / Group(s) in To:-box or in Cc:-box You can send a message to a pager or to a mobile phone if you type the recipient's identification in the To:-box or in the Cc:-box of the email.eCall only checks the sender's adress in this format. Procedure: First write down the recipient's identification (according to the option, see below) in the To:-box. Write down the text in the text box. Send the email.There are three options of recipient's identificatioPopularFormat 6: Numbers in 'To:'-box for fax messages
Format 6: Fax numbers in the To:-box for fax messages. You can send a message to a fax machine by typing the recipient's identification in the email's To:-box or Cc:-box. Procedure: Write down the recipient's identification in this format @fax.eCall.ch in the To:-box and/or in the Cc:-box of the email as you usually do it with ordinary email adresses. Write down the message in the email's text box. If you wish you can send the email with an attachment (sPopularFormat 7: Numbers in the To:-box for voice messages
Format 7: Numbers in the To:-box for voice messages You can send a message to a phone by typing the recipient's identification in the e-mail's To:-box or Cc:-box Procedure Write down the recipient's identification in this format @voice.eCall.ch in the To:-box and/or in the Cc:-box of the e-mail as you usually do it with ordinary email adresses. Write down the message in the e-mail's text box. Send the e-mail. Example (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/Some readersFormat 9: Fax numbers in the subject box for fax messages
Format 9: Fax numbers in the subject box for fax messages If you want to send a message to a fax machine you have to type the recipient's identification in the e-mail's subject box. Procedure Write down the fax number in the e-mail's subject box. You can add a title after the number. Please put a space between the number and title. Write the message in the text box. If you wish you can send the fax message with an attachment. Send the e-mail to faxnumbersubject@ecall.chSome readersFormat 11: Send push messages from your e-mail-client
You can send push messages easily and conveniently from your email client. There are three different ways as an recipient's address will be composed: Mobilenumber@threema.ecall.ch threema ID@threema.ecall.ch E-Mail-address@threema.ecall.ch With the mobile phone number The structure of the e-mail address with the mobile phone number is as follows: Mobile phone number @threema.eCall.ch Example: +41791234567@threema.eCall.ch (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/eSome readersWeb browser
Access via web browser All you need in order to make use of the services by eCall is a web browser and internet access. Whether you are at home, in your office or vacationing on an island in the Pacific: You can make use of the eCall services and send messages from all over the world. Both your personal settings and your address book are always available.Few readersCustom Layout | White Labeling
White Labeling In principle it is possible to change all the layouts of emails and adapt to your needs. This option is only available to business customers and includes for example: Own header and/or footer Free layout of e-mail content No advertising in headers and footers Delete disclaimers of incoming e-mails on adoption of the text And more... We recommend this option if an automatic processing of emails takes place (parsing). Example (reception confirmation): (https:Few readersCallingNumber (Fax)
CallingNumber With the keyword %CallingNumber% you can set the sender number. The number appears only on the receiver itself and is not part of the fax. The format is: %CallingNumber:%. The number can be 16 numeric characters of size. Example: ...%CallingNumber:0447873071%...Few readersAnswerTo (Fax)
AnswerTo The command %AnswerTo% sets the e-mail address for the delivery status (only works with transmission orders via e-mail). The format is %AnswerTo:%. Example: ...%AnswerTo:my@email.ch%...Few readersMaxRetries (Fax)
MaxRetries The command %MaxRetries% sets the number of times eCall tries to send the fax message if the receiver is already occupied or is temporarily unavailable. The format is %MaxRetries:%. The number can take any value between 0 and 5. Example: ...%MaxRetries:3%...Few readersFaxHeaderInfo (Fax)
FaxHeaderInfo The command %FaxHeaderInfo% sets the headerline of the fax. This information will usually be shown in the header line of the fax. The format is %FaxHeaderInfo:%. The maximum length of Text is 50 characters. Sending a fax via e-mail the sender address will be filled into this command (if the sender address has more than 20 characters). Example: ...%FaxHeaderInfo:eCall fax service of F24 Switzerland%...Few readersFaxHeaderID (Fax)
FaxHeaderID The command %FaxHeaderID% sets the identification of a fax message sender. This information will usually be shown in the header line of the fax. Some fax units show this information in the display, too. The format is %FaxHeaderID:%. The maximum length of Text is 20 characters. When sending a fax via e-mail the value of this command will be the sender adress of the e-mail (only if it fits). Examples: ...%FaxHeaderID:+41 44 787 30 71%... ...%FaxHeaderID:Dolphin SysteFew readersRetriesTimeIntervallnMin (Fax)
RetriesTimeIntervalInMin The command %RetriesTimeIntervalInMin% sets the time in minutes between retry attempts (MaxRetries). The format is %RetriesTimeIntervalInMin:%. The number may have a value between 0 and 99. Example: ...%RetriesTimeIntervalInMin:10%...Few readersSMS sender (callback)
SMS sender (callback) The callback defines the sender of the SMS message. In the eCall portal you can choose between three different SMS senders: numeric callback: maximum 16 characters, e.g. «0041791234567» alphanumeric callback: maximum 11 characters, e.g. «eCall» Number of eCall: SMS message is received in the logbook of eCall By default, your stored registration number is stored as the SMS sender. You need paid points to change the callback: Either buy points in tFew readersAnswer (SMS)
Answer The command %Answer% instructs eCall to send a reply number to which the recipient can reply by text message. The answer appears in the log book under 'Messages received'. The command can be in one of the following formats: %Answer%- %Answer:Logbook% %Answer:% %Answer:% %Answer:% If you do not enter an e-mail address or phone number eCall transfers the answer to the address which you have entered in your account settings under 'AcFew readersConfiguration changes
Configuration Changes Redefining the number list of an existing group (eCall business only) You can redefine an existing group via e-mail by sending an e-mail as follows: To:Send an e-mail to @config.ecall.ch.Important: No spaces are allowed within your username. If this is the case you need to change your username. Subject:Enter the following command in the subject: line: CHANGEGROUPDEF Please ensure that there is a space between the command CHANGEGROUPDEF and the name of the gFew readerseCall send order by e-mail
Most frequently used formats for access via e-mail: Format 4: Numbers in 'To:'-box for text message / pager Format 6: Numbers in 'To:'-box for fax messages Special formats: Format 1: Recipient in the subject box Format 2: List of recipients in the text box (/en/article/format-2-listFew readersSendDate (SMS, Fax und Voice)
SendDate The command %SendDate% allows you to instruct eCall to delay the transmission contained in your e-mail until a fixed time in the future. The command uses the format %SendDate: % The date can be formatted as follows: yyyy-mm-dd, yy-mm-dd,dd-mm-yyyy (dd=day, mm=month, yyyy=year). The time can be formatted as follows:hh:mm:ss, hh:mm (hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds). If the format is incorrect or the date is in the past the order is carried out immediately. Please ensurFew readersNotification (SMS)
Notification The command %Notification% enables eCall to send a confirmation of transmission for an instruction from a mobile phone (i.e. a read-out that the mobile phone has received a message or a communication from the SMS service that the message could not be executed within a certain period). The instruction can be one of the following formats: %Notification% %Notification:% %Notification:% %Notification:% If no e-mail address or phFew readersCS ... (Cover Sheet)
CS ... (Cover Sheet) In a cover sheet, you can set individual values for placeholders by various commands. Condition: These commands in the cover sheet exist as a placeholder (e.g. be %%CSInfoOfReceiver%%). For more information about their own cover sheets please click here. The individual commands are briefly explained here: CSCoversheetFileName Defines the name of the cover sheet (must be filed at eCall) Max. 50 charFew readersMessageLanguage (Voice)
MessageLanguage With the keyword %MessageLanguage% you can set the spoken language of the voice messages. Default value is german (DE). The format is: %MessageLanguage:%. The text can be 2 characters of size. The following values are possible: DE, FR, EN, IT Examples: ...%MessageLanguage:FR%... ...%MessageLanguage:EN%... ...%MessageLanguage:IT%... ...%MessageLanguage:DE%...Few readersMsgType (SMS)
MsgType With the command %MsgType:% you can determine which type of text message is sent. The command %MsgType:Flash% allows you to send a particular tye of text message: Flash SMS. The difference between a Flash SMS and a normal text message is that the Flash SMS appears directly on the mobile display screen. It is therefore not necessary to first press 'Display'. The second difference is that the message is not stored on the mobile (however, certain mobile phones now offer theFew readersJobID (SMS, Fax und Voice)
JobID With the keyword %JobID% you can add an own identification to the job. This way you are able to identify the job again. The JobID will be returned by result messages. The format is %JobID:text%. The maximum length of the text is 50 characters. Examples: ...%JobID:ABC1234679%... ...%JobID:123456%...Few readersTCP/IP
Access via TCP/IP Call's TCP/IP access gives you the opportunity to send messages directly through the internet from any software. Messages can easily be sent via Telnet (Socket). Details on requirements, installation and access tests can be found in the appropriate help document. eCall offers you two versions: Type 1 Suitable for technical inFew readersUCP Access
Description UCP Access This service allows access to the UCP (Universal Computer Protocol) interface of the eCall system to send SMS messages. This document is intended for eCall users who want to send SMS messages to recipients using the UCP protocol. It describes the eCall UCP interface between eCall and external systems. The interface is based on the standard UCP protocol. Core functionalities The interface offers the following functions: Sending single or multi-page SMS messagesFew readersOutlook Mobile Service
Send text messages directly from Outlook Send text messages directly from Outlook to the mobile phones of your friends and acquaintances. Even messages to mixed receivers (mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses at the same time) are possible. Or you can send appointment reminders or selected calendar entries to your phone via text message. Outlook Mobile Service is a feature in Microsoft® Office Outlook 2007 / 2010 that you can use similar to e-mail messages to create and send text messaFew readersNoCoversheet
NoCoversheet The command %NoCoversheet% sets whether a cover sheet is to be used or not. If no cover sheet is used only the attachments are sent as a fax message. The format is %NoCoversheet:%. The parameter can be either 'true' or 'false'. Example: ...%NoCoversheet:false%...Few readers